Now, I often consider how and why we all do certain things around the house. For example, please, please stop folding your underwear! Stuff them in a drawer or a basket and use that time to do something much more important.
As you do things around the house or in your work day, consider how necessary certain routines and tasks are and consider changing them up to be more helpful and less work.
Finley's "art drawer" in the kitchen is a space I created for her. I don't spend much time cleaning it unless it won't close or when she starts having meltdowns about not being able to find things.
This is my dirty kitchen that I wanted to clean so badly but naptime was over and the sun was shining so I reminded myself that messes are beautiful but time in the autumn sun with my girls is even more beautiful.
Leaving that messy kitchen meant laying on a blanket outside and getting to welcome Daddy home from his trip with a snuggle on the blanket.
1 comment:
I have a drawer in my kitchen for the kids with wooden letters, all the leap frog magnent letters (there's a ton) but they pull them out and put them on the fridge and listen to the leap frog "A says aaa" little jingle. Kinda nice while I'm working in there. The best part is we just throw them back in when they're done. I also have a lower cupboard in my kitchen dedicated for "art" stuff, puzzles, playdough etc. for the kids, but Ellee is not ready to be trusted with free reign of it yet! So I put a rubberband around the knobs, she hasn't figured out how to get it off...Thank Goodness! My other house barely had enough space for my silverware! :)
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