Monday, October 5, 2009

Simple Joy

As, I have said before, Motherhood can be messy but it is a beautiful mess if you ask me. Along with the beautiful messes of motherhood also come some simple, yet joy filling pleasures. Fresh flowers like the ones Nathan brought home for his girls (me included) were simple and brought me great joy.

On a different scale of simple pleasures, I finally discovered what was making the bedroom wing of the house smell like poop. You would think I should have been annoyed at discovering my husband's smelly basketball clothing still soaking in the tub of our guest bathroom, but I truly found great joy in solving that smelly mystery (the joy probably came from how humourous I thought it was that I had mistaken his sweathy clothes with a poop smell).

What simple things fill you with joy? Take pictures of them, write about them, share it with someone... it just makes the joy last a little longer.