I have some control issues. I recently was feeling a bit out of sorts because I was not feeling like we were following enough of a routine around here. I was honestly just one laminating trip to Kinkos away from making a huge clip art chart for Finley (really for me) that showed everything we were doing each day. I was spending a lot of time thinking about where to put this chart, what to include, etc. I think I didn't get dressed one day while thinking about it... that was when I stopped and threw what I had started away.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am a big supporter of routines but I am learning that sometimes my happiness is a little too dependent on my own agenda and expectations of how a day, event, activity will go. I'm backing up a bit these days to more of a rough outline and thinking a bit more about not trying to be so in control of so many details...
Tula's out of control hair is my reminder to let go a little, no, a lot.